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Who are we?

BPAS provides abortions to more than 100,000 women every year, and we regularly see women who are resident overseas. BPAS appointments are easy to arrange and completely confidential.


Staying in Britain

If you are having an abortion carried out using a method that requires an overnight stay in a BPAS clinic, you will be provided with accommodation and meals.

Otherwise, all of our clinics will be happy to provide you with local information, including details of places to stay overnight.

Once you have contacted us to make an appointment, you can contact the clinic you will be attending directly. Please click here for information about clinics.


If English is not your first language

If English is not your first language and you think you will need help when you attend your appointment, please make sure that you tell the person with whom you book the appointment. This will ensure that we can make the appropriate arrangements for a translator.


Google Translate

We now have the Google Translate Website Translator - a widget that translates web page content into 100+ different languages. You can find the tool at the top of each webpage by clicking on 'select a language' which will create a dropdown menu with a list of available languages. Clicking on a language in the list will translate the site's content into that language.