Before calling us, please read our FAQs page where you will find answers to some of your queries. It could save you time waiting on hold. You can also use the search function in the top right hand corner to help you find the information you need.

Appointments and treatment queries: 03457 30 40 30
Phone lines are open 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm on Saturdays and 9.30 am to 2.30 pm on Sundays.
* (included within "free" minutes allowance) or call +44 1789 508 211 from outside the UK.
When the phone lines are closed, you can leave a message and we will return your call.
Please note - when calling the booking and information line, you will be speaking to an appointment advisor, not a trained nurse or counsellor. Our website has lots of information and helpful links which may answer your question before needing to call. It could save you time waiting on hold.

Aftercare questions or concerns
Call the clinic where you were treated or 0300 333 68 28 or +44 1789 508 210 from outside the UK.
The aftercare line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
By contacting BPAS by email or telephone, you are indicating your consent for us to hold your details to deal with your request or enquiry. See our privacy notice for more details
Other contacts
By contacting BPAS by email or telephone, you are indicating your consent for us to hold your details to deal with your request or enquiry. See our privacy notice for more details
Frequently Asked Questions
We are an independent healthcare charity which for more than 55 years, has been advocating and caring for women and couples who decide to end a pregnancy.
My pregnancy test is positive after my abortion, what shall I do?
If you have taken the special pregnancy test that BPAS gave you, please call the aftercare line for advice.
A normal shop bought pregnancy test is very sensitive and can remain positive for up to 6 weeks post treatment. We know that your hormone levels drop after an abortion but they take some time to go down to below the “non pregnant” level. If you are worried that you are still pregnant after your treatment, please call the aftercare line for advice. If you think you have a new pregnancy, please contact the booking and information centre. -
How will I know if the abortion is complete?
The pregnancy hormones rapidly decrease after an abortion with pills. Your pregnancy symptoms, should resolve quite quickly, sickness takes around 2-3 days to go away (although some people say it’s immediate) and sore breasts and tiredness should resolve within 7-10 days of your abortion. If you took the pregnancy test that we gave you and it is negative, that is a good sign the abortion is complete. If you notice ongoing pregnancy symptoms, or your test is positive, or you just have a feeling that you are still pregnant contact the aftercare line for support.
How long will I bleed for?
Some people bleed right up until their next period, however, on average it lasts for around 1-2 weeks, but can be lighter bleeding for up to 6 weeks - use sanitary towels during this time. If you are using hormonal contraception, like the pill, the patch, the injection or the implant, this can cause some irregular bleeding for a few months. After surgical abortion, a few women will not experience bleeding until their next period.
If your bleeding soaks 2 or more sanitary towels per hour for 2 hours in a row, contact the clinic or Aftercare line on 0300 3336 828 urgently for advice. If you can’t call, go to A&E. -
Will I be given Pills by Post?
Pills by Post is for clients who have a gestation of 9 weeks and 6 days or under, however the decision will be made after your consultation after a medical practitioner has assessed you fully.