BPAS is the UK's leading abortion care service
We take pride in our high-quality abortion care services and we offer much more besides.

Women's services
We undertake a range of sexual healthcare services within the context of our abortion care service, including:
- Contraception advice, consultation, supply and fitting of post treatment contraception
- STI testing
- Miscarriage management
- Termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly

Men's services
- Vasectomy treatment may be self-funded or paid for by the NHS in some areas.
- Erectile dysfunction information
Useful links
Charity services
Advocacy, education, research and training are all integral components of BPAS' charitable aims and objectives.
A selection of website links to other organisations offering information, advice and support:
Antenatal Results Choice (ARC)- national charity helping parents and healthcare professionals through antenatal screening and its consequences
Birth Trauma Association (BTA) - mothers who support women who are find it hard to cope with their childbirth experience
Brook - sexual health information, advice and services for the under 25's
Coram BAAF Adoption and Fostering Agency - Information for birth parents and adoption and fostering professionals
Citizens Advice - free advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities.
Maternity Action - free advice for mums and dads worried about their rights to work, benefits, tax credits and healthcare
Miscarriage Association - information for those affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy
NHS Choices - helps you to make the most of your health and get the best out of the NHS
Pregnancy Sickness Support - help with pregnancy sickness
Refuge - domestic violence charity which supports women and children with refuges, independent advocacy, community outreach and culturally specific services
Relate - relationship counselling and sex therapy for couples, families and individuals
Rape Crisis - how to get help if you've experienced sexual violence, and information for others supporting or wanting to help a sexual violence survivor
Women's aid - charity for women and children working to end domestic abuse. Free national 24 hour domestic violence helpline