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Due to a companywide conference, all BPAS phone lines will be closed on Thursday 13th February 2025 from 9.30am to 12.45pm. Please call us back after 12.45pm. In case of a medical emergency please dial 999.

Clients holding hands in clinic

Travelling from the Republic of Ireland

We've helped Irish women for a very long time, so we understand the difficulties you may face to get treatment.

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Free Abortion Services are now provided in the Republic of Ireland by GPs in community or family planning services, and maternity units in hospitals.  Talk to your GP or see My Options for details.

Women in the Republic of Ireland can get free abortion care and details are below.  Women can still choose to 'travel' and pay for their abortion care in the UK.

The HSE provides abortion care free of charge to women who normally live in Ireland.

The new law allows for abortion in the following circumstances only:

  1. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Women under 9 weeks pregnant are mainly cared for by GPs.  Women between 9 and 12 weeks pregnant are cared for in hospital
  2. Where there is a risk to the life, or serious harm to the health of the pregnant woman.  These women will be cared for in a hospital setting.
  3. Where there is a condition likely to lead to the death of the foetus before or shortly after birth.  These women will be cared for in a hospital setting.

The HSE has an unplanned pregnancy support service called My Options to provide information on both ongoing pregnancy, and how to access abortion in Ireland.


In the Republic of Ireland, free abortion care is now available up to 12 weeks gestation (treatment at higher gestations is possible in certain circumstances).  Contact your GP or visit My Options for details.

Irish women travelling for their abortion treatment at BPAS are given a discounted fee because of the extra expenses they face. These prices also apply to women from Jersey and Guernsey.

Republic of Ireland

Abortion Services Initial Consultation  Treatment Price 

Total Payable 

Under 10 weeks (Abortion Pill only) €200 €330 €530
Surgical up to 14 weeks €200 €800 €1000
Surgical 14-18 weeks €200 €1060 €1260
Surgical 19-24 weeks €200 €1600 €1800

Channel Islands

Abortion Services Initial Consultation (£) Treatment Price (£) Total Payable (£)
Under 10 weeks (Abortion Pill only) £150 £250 £400
Surgical up to 14 weeks £150 £600 £750
Surgical 14-18 weeks £150 £800 £950
Surgical 19-24 weeks £150 £1200 £1350

Payment methods

• Cash (Sterling or Euros)
• Switch/Visa/Mastercard/Delta/Maestro/Solo cards only. Payments by card will be taken in £ Sterling.
The Euro price charged is determined by the exchange rate applied by your bank.
• BPAS does not accept American Express
(Please note: some smaller centres may not be able to receive payment by card)

Abortion Support Network (ASN) is a charity that provides financial assistance and accommodation in volunteer homes to women travelling to England from Ireland/N Ireland to access a safe and legal abortion. Funding is available on a case by case basis depending on circumstances and availability of funding.

To book treatment with BPAS

Clinic receptionist

Please let us know that you are from Ireland when you call so we can arrange for consultation and treatment on the same day for you.

You must attend for consultation before your BPAS treatment. Expect to remain at the clinic all day (possibly into late evening) and allow plenty of time to travel to the airport or ferry following your treatment.

BPAS appointments are easy to arrange and completely confidential.

Phone lines are open from 7am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm on Saturdays and 9.30am - 2.30pm on Sundays. For information about the different types of BPAS abortion treatment click here.

Prices for Contraception and other services

Contraception Services

Total (€)

Total (£)
Emergency Hormonal Contraception Levonelle €10 £10
Emergency Hormonal Contraception ellaOne €20 £15
Depo Provera (supply and inject) €40 £30
LARC (supply and fit) €200 £150
LARC (removal) €130 £100
IUCD (supply and fit) €80 £60
NuvaRing Contraceptive vaginal ring (3 months supply) €70 £50
Patch (EVRA) €30 £25
Other Services

Total (€)

Total (£)
Chlamydia Screening at consultation €40 £30
Gonorrhoea Screening at consultation €40 £30
Syphilis Screening at consultation €70 £55
HIV Screening at consultation €70 £55
Post Operative Counselling - BPAS client FREE FREE
Post Operative Counselling (if not treated by BPAS) €100 £75
Pregnancy Testing - BPAS client FREE FREE

BPAS has clinics in 55 locations - many are close to ports and airports with direct budget travel from Ireland.

It is best to wait 24 hours before travelling home after your treatment. If you must travel just make sure you know how to access emergency services at your destination in case of a complication. Please be aware if you are having the abortion pill up to 10 weeks and choose to travel soon after taking the second medication (misoprostol) that you may start to have cramps and bleed heavily whilst travelling.

Please book your BPAS appointment before you book your flights. If you have booked for consulation and treatment on the same day, you should expect to remain at the clinic all day (possibly well into late evening). Please allow plenty of time to travel to the airport or ferry after your treatment.

We can give you advice on where to stay, just ask when you call us.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may wish to contact The Abortion Support Network (ASN) before you book your flights and treatment.

To see the treatment options available at BPAS visit our Abortion treatments page.

Parents may experience a wide range of complex emotions when told of a problem with their pregnancy or that a fetal anomaly (also called foetal anomaly or foetal abnormality) is found. If you and your partner come to BPAS to end the pregnancy following ante-natal screening; we will provide the highest quality medical care and sensitive emotional support throughout the treatment process.

For more information visit our Termination for fetal anomaly.

It's normal to have mixed feelings about being pregnant when you didn't plan to be. Or you may have clear thoughts about what is right for your situation.  If you are undecided, it may help to talk about your options and feelings. Whatever you're thinking, YOU should make the final decision about your pregnancy.

It may be hard to talk to your partner, family or friends until you're sure of your feelings about the pregnancy. There are agencies in Ireland that offer non-directive pregnancy counselling - so you can discuss all your options with a trained counsellor who doesn't know you. Non-directive pregnancy counselling means that the counsellor will not influence you or offer any opinion about what may be best for you.

If you live in the Republic of Ireland visit My Options for information on the HSE funded (free), confidential unplanned pregnancy counselling service.  Alternatively telephone My Options freephone on 1800 828 010 to find out about abortion services and how to get treatment

If you wish to discuss your unplanned pregnancy, you may wish to consult one of the following agencies :

Some organisations which advertise free pregnancy testing and counselling are strongly opposed to abortion and don't discuss all the options available to you in a balanced way. If they talk about abortion as an option for you, it may involve un-evidenced or untrue claims, and unreliable statistics.

Some women have no alternative but to seek Early Medical Abortion (EMA) pills online. While the World Health Organisation has said that EMA medication is safe (even when taken outside a clinical setting), there are risks associated with buying EMA medication online: they may not arrive, or may not be a genuine product. Some websites that claim to provide EMA medication have been set up to dupe. We do not advise anyone to take medication purchased online, but if you have no other option, both Women on Web and Women Help Women can provide genuine EMA pills, advice and support.

BPAS runs a free confidential helpline, set up for women who have bought pills from Women Help Women and Women on Web.

Call 1800 910 049 (ROI) and 0800 0776049 (NI). 

If you have bought pills from another online provider you will be advised to seek immediate medical assistance as we cannot be sure of the medication you have taken. 



If you've had an abortion at BPAS and need Aftercare support and advice, contact our Aftercare line on +44 1789 508 210 from the Republic of Ireland 

Free medical and counselling services are available in the Republic of Ireland for women who've had an abortion. The counsellors and doctors working in these services are experienced in supporting women who have had an abortion. Services are free of charge to all women, regardless of their age, income or where they live. Click here for more information.