Fetal anomaly treatment options
If you have been booked for same-day treatment you will proceed to treatment on your first clinic attendance. If you have been booked for treatment on another day, we will tell you the time, date and place of your treatment.
Vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration uses gentle suction to remove the pregnancy and takes about 5-10 minutes from start to finish. Afterwards, you will need to rest in the recovery area for about 30-60 minutes.
A healthcare professional will show you into the treatment area. You will be asked to lie on a couch with supports for your legs. You will meet your doctor at this stage and can ask any last-minute questions. Any sedation will be given to you before the procedure begins. A nurse will stay with you throughout for support and comfort.
After examining you and placing a speculum into your vagina, the doctor may need to open the cervix using thin rods called dilators. A tube will then be inserted through the cervix into the uterus. Either a handheld suction device or a suction machine gently empties your uterus. If you are awake for your procedure, you will feel cramping, like period pains.
After your treatment you will be taken to the recovery area where you will be monitored until staff consider that you are ready for discharge. You will have a light snack before going home. You will be given an anti-sickness drug.
If you have sedation or anaesthetic, please refer to the relevant pages below for recommendations:
Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks
These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term health effects.
- Retained products of conception - where the pregnancy has been successfully ended but some of the pregnancy tissue is left behind in the womb (1 in 600)
- Infection (1 in 6,500 as reported to BPAS but may be higher)
- Unpredictable bleeding after the procedure (variable)
- Pain during the procedure (variable)
- Injury to the cervix (1 in 11,000)
- Psychological problems (variable)
- Continuing pregnancy (1 in 1,500)
These may require transfer to hospital or surgical procedures, and may have serious long-term health effects
- Perforation of the uterus/womb (1 in 6,500)
- Haemorrhage - very heavy bleeding (1 in 8,000)
- Injury to bowel, bladder or serious injury to cervix (very rare)
Extra procedures that may be necessary
- Repeat surgical procedure or uterine aspiration
- Blood transfusion
- Laparoscopy or laparotomy – operation to look inside the abdomen
- Repair of damage to cervix, uterus, bladder, bowel or blood vessels
- Hysterectomy – surgical removal of the womb (1 in 35,000)
Death is very rarely linked to treatment - less than 1 in 100,000 for all terminations of pregnancies.
Dilatation and evacuation with general anaesthetic or conscious sedation

This method can be used from 14 weeks’ gestation up to 24 weeks’ gestation. Up to 18 weeks it may be under general anaesthetic or conscious sedation. At 18 weeks or above the procedure is done under general anaesthetic.
This method uses instruments and suction to remove the pregnancy. You will need cervical preparation on the day of surgery, or the day before surgery.
A healthcare professional will show you into the treatment area. You will be asked to lie on a couch with supports for your legs. You will meet your surgeon, and if appropriate your anaesthetist, where you can ask any last-minute questions. Any sedation or anaesthesia will be given before the procedure begins. A nurse will stay with you to support and monitor you throughout.
The surgeon will examine you and place a speculum into your vagina. The opening of your cervix may be stretched with thin rods called dilators. The pregnancy is removed using instruments and gentle suction.
You will not feel pain during this procedure but may feel some discomfort if you have your treatment with conscious sedation. The treatment takes about 10-20 minutes. Afterwards you will be taken to the recovery area and monitored until we consider you are ready for discharge. You will have a light snack before going home and will be given an anti-sickness drug.
You should read about cervical preparation and the relevant sedation or anaesthetic options below:
Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks
These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term health effects.
- Retained products of conception - where the pregnancy has been successfully ended but some of the pregnancy tissue is left behind in the womb (1 in 800)
- Infection (1 in 2,500 as reported to BPAS but may be higher)
- Unpredictable bleeding after the procedure (variable)
- Pain during the procedure (variable)
- Injury to the cervix (1 in 5,000)
- Psychological problems (variable)
These may require transfer to hospital or surgical procedures, and may have serious long-term health effects.
- Haemorrhage - very heavy bleeding (1 in 800)
- Perforation of the uterus/womb (1 in 2,500)
- Injury to bowel, bladder, or serious injury to cervix (very rare)
Extra procedures that may be necessary
- Repeat surgical procedure or uterine aspiration
- Blood transfusion
- Laparoscopy or laparotomy - operation to look inside the abdomen
- Repair of damage to cervix, uterus, bladder, bowel or blood vessels
- Hysterectomy - surgical removal of the womb (1 in 5,000)
Medical induction

First appointment:
You are given a mifepristone tablet to swallow. This medication makes the uterus more sensitive to a medication called misoprostol, which is used to induce contractions. You will go home and return for the rest of your treatment on a different day. If you vomit within 1 hour of taking the mifepristone you may need to return to the clinic for another dose. If you are 22 weeks pregnant or more, it is necessary to administer an injection to the fetus to stop the heart beat before the induction takes place. If you are rhesus negative, you will also have an anti-D injection.
Second appointment:
You will be admitted to the clinic and misoprostol is administered as a vaginal pessary, every few hours until all the fetus and placenta are passed. You are awake throughout the process and will be given painkillers and gas and air as needed. The healthcare professional looking after you will try to make the process as comfortable as possible.
On average it takes about 6 hours for the labour and delivery, but this can vary. In some cases it may be quicker but in others it may take over 24 hours and you will need to stay overnight in the clinic. In a minority of procedures, the placenta does not pass spontaneously and it is necessary to perform a procedure, usually under general anaesthetic, to remove it.
You may see large blood clots or the fetus and placenta during this procedure. The midwife will try to make sure that you see very little, but sometimes this is not possible as events can be rapid.
It is normal to have some light bleeding 1-2 weeks after treatment and you may have spotting until your next menstrual cycle. Using sanitary pads may make it easier to keep track of your bleeding
Side effects
It is normal to experience bleeding and cramping. You may also:
- feel dizzy
- feel nauseous or have to vomit
- have headache
- have diarrhoea
- have temporary flushes or sweats
A nurse or midwife will be with you at all times and will give you medicine to help control any side effects or pain you might have.
Significant, unavoidable or frequently occurring risks
These are usually easy to treat and rarely have any long-term health effects.
- Unpredictable time to complete the procedure
- Side effects of drugs, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, dizziness, fever/chills (common)
- Retained placenta (1 in 60)
- Infection (may be up to 1 in 400)
- Unpredictable, irregular, or prolonged bleeding after the termination of pregnancy (variable)
- Pain during the procedure (common)
These may require transfer to hospital or surgical procedures, and may have serious long-term health effects.
- Psychological problems (variable)
- Continuing pregnancy/failure to deliver (1 in 150)
- Haemorrhage – very heavy bleeding (1 in 200)
- Rupture of the uterus/womb (1 in 1,000)
Extra procedures that may be necessary
- Surgical termination of pregnancy or uterine aspiration
- Blood transfusion
- Laparoscopy or laparotomy – operation to look inside the abdomen
- Hysterectomy – surgical removal of the womb (very rare)
Death is very rarely linked to treatment - less than 1 in 100,000 for all terminations of pregnancies.
If your treatment requires an overnight stay please bring an overnight bag, toiletries and a towel with you.
What to expect on the day

Can my partner come with me?
Yes. We welcome the involvement of partners or other support people. We will do as much as we can to make your time with us as comfortable as possible for both of you. Your partner can stay with you right up to going into theatre if you’re having a surgical procedure, and will be reunited with you as soon as possible after surgery. If you are having a medical induction your partner or support person can stay with you throughout the procedure.
Where possible, we will provide some separate space away from other clients while waiting for and recovering from the procedure.

Information for women having a surgical procedure?
Glasses and contact lenses
Many people now sleep in soft contact lenses and this may be acceptable for short procedures. Please ask the nurse or the anaesthetist. You may keep your glasses on until the last moment.
False or loose teeth can interfere with the anaesthetist's oral equipment. If you have dentures please discuss this with the anaesthetist.
Jewellery, make-up and nail polish
You must remove all jewellery and decorative piercings (including tongue piercings). If you can’t remove it then we will cover it with tape to prevent accidental damage to your skin.
Please remove all make-up. You do not need to remove false nails or nail varnish.

Essential things to bring:
- Any prescribed medicines or inhalers
- Stick-on sanitary towels
- Extra underwear
- Slippers and a nightshirt or t-shirt if you are having treatment under general anaesthetic (asleep)
If your treatment requires an overnight stay please bring an overnight bag, toiletries and a towel with you.
Fetal anomaly treatment: Frequently Asked Questions
Some questions you may have.
Will the baby feel pain?
Current research shows that the necessary sensory structures are not developed enough for a fetus to feel pain before 28 weeks' gestation.
Can I know the sex of the baby?
BPAS staff are not trained to identify the sex of a baby on ultrasound. If you have a medical induction we may be able to tell you the sex of the baby.
I would like to have a funeral for my baby, how do I go about it?
You will need to contact a funeral director. There is more information about this here.
When can I get pregnant again?
You can try and conceive again whenever you feel ready. If you do not want to get pregnant in the near future it is important to understand that your fertility can return within 2 weeks of a termination, so you may want to discuss starting a method of contraception at the time of your treatment.